Today's top celebrity birthdays list for September 22, 2018

Top celebrity birthdays on September 22, 2018

Associated Press

Top celebrity birthdays on September 22, 2018

Birthday wishes go out to Tom Felton, Tatiana Maslany and all the other celebrities with birthdays today. Check out our slideshow below to see more famous people turning a year older on September 22nd.

-Mike Rose,

Singer David Coverdale turns 67

Associated Press

Singer David Coverdale turns 67

Fun fact: Was married to actress Tawny Kitaen before she married pitcher Chuck Finley

Singer Debby Boone turns 62

Associated Press

Singer Debby Boone turns 62

Fun fact: Earned a Grammy for Best New Artist

Rocker Joan Jett turns 60

Getty Images

Rocker Joan Jett turns 60

Fun fact: Appeared in the film ‘Light of Day’ which was partially shot in Cleveland

Actor Scott Baio turns 58

Getty Images

Actor Scott Baio turns 58

Fun fact: Full name is Scott Vincent James Baio

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