Today's top celebrity birthdays list for November 8, 2018

Top celebrity birthdays on November 8, 2018

Associated Press

Top celebrity birthdays on November 8, 2018

Birthday wishes go out to chef Gordon Ramsay, actress Tara Reid and all the other celebrities with birthdays today. Check out our slideshow below to see more famous people turning a year older on November 8th.

-Mike Rose,

Musician Bonnie Raitt turns 69

Associated Press

Musician Bonnie Raitt turns 69

Fun fact: Bonnie has won 10 Grammy Awards during her career

Actress Alfre Woodard turns 66

Associated Press

Actress Alfre Woodard turns 66

Fun fact: Alfre is a graduate of Boston University

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay turns 52

Associated Press

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay turns 52

Fun fact: Ramsay was born in Scotland but raised in England

Actress Parker Posey turns 50

Associated Press

Actress Parker Posey turns 50

Fun fact: Her father used to own a Chevy dealership in Mississippi

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