Making smart choices to reduce energy use that fits our lifestyle (Letters) –

While it made me smile to read about “the friendly eco-competition” between Ed Begley and Bill Nye, “Actor brings ‘Live Simply’ message to public forum,” May 21, page C1, I hope that we all realize that it does not have to be a competition at all. Each of us can make a choice to reduce our energy use that works with our lifestyle. And, collectively, these individual choices can add up to great savings of energy and money!


’I’ve left Bill Nye in the dust’: Ed Begley Jr. to speak about environmental protection in Springfield for Public Forum on May 22

Ed Begley Jr. used to be neighbors with Bill Nye and the two competed on who could be friendliest to the environment.

Mr. Begley will be speaking about this on Wednesday night in Springfield, and on Thursday, May 23, 5:30 to 8:00 p.m., the town of Agawam will be hosting the Agawam Cooler Community Expo that addresses this same challenge.

Agawam’s schools, town government, and local energy vendors will be on hand for residents to learn about the many choices. Mr. Begley’s quote fits perfectly with the theme of Agwam’s Expo. “Everybody can do what they can,” Begley said. “The Mount Everest of environmental ills stands before us. You don’t run up Mount Everest. You get to base camp. You get acclimated and you do what you can.”

If you can’t make it on Wednesday to hear Mr. Begley, join us at Agawam High School on Thursday!

Leslie Joseph, Agawam

The writer is on the steering committee for Cooler Community Challenge Expo

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