NYFW Fall 2019 Schedule – Things To Know – Refinery29

In recent seasons, we’ve seen celebrities dominate the headlines — so much in fact that we often forget about the blood, sweat, and tears that go into the clothes they’re wearing (on loan). A few front row veterans that often steal (and hold up) the show: Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, a few drag queens, and even Whoopi Goldberg. And that’s why we love New York — there’s a seat for everyone. But when we take the other fashion capitals into consideration, like London, Paris and Milan, Fashion Month as a whole proves itself an important moment in the cultural zeitgeist. It also shows how political the fashion industry can be (or not) and speaks to the idea that fashion should reflect the time; that if you were looking at fashion throughout history, you’d be able to get a sense of what’s going on in the world by looking at what happened on the catwalk; that yes, even a thrown shoe can act as a symbol of a high and low of NYFW.

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