Kylie Jenner Ditched the VIP Section to See Jordyn Woods at the Club –

  • Jordyn Woods and Kylie Jenner ran into each other at a club over the weekend and were spotted talking.
  • Tristan was also at the club, and both Jordyn and Kylie ignored him.

    Welp, it’s happening. After several long months and one truly insane cheating scandal, Kylie Jenner and Jordyn Woods are on their way to being friends again. TMZ reports that Kylie and Jordyn caught up with each other while partying on Friday night at Bootsy Bellows to celebrate Stassie Karanikolaou’s birthday, and sources say they “spoke with each other briefly inside the VIP area.”

    Kylie was at the party for just a half hour in the “top-level” VIP section, while Jordyn was only there for about 20 minutes in the “lower section.” According to TMZ, Kylie went down from her section to say hi to Jordyn, which wow @ the implied shade of it all.

    Jordyn arriving at the party!


    Apparently, Kylie and Jordyn’s chat wasn’t awkward in the slightest, they smiled a lot, and a source says that there was a general feeling of “good vibes.”

    Oh, and yeah, Tristan was also at the party but no one talked to him. BYE TRISTAN. Though in case you do care, he rolled in with Drake and had the audacity to come over to Kylie’s section—but she didn’t interact with him.

    This news comes after a report from E! that Kylie and Jordyn’s “relationship is on the road to recovery” and they’re already texting again. Not sure how KoKo will feel about that, but k!

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