Weight loss story: “A car accident made me change my lifestyle and lose 45 kilos!” – Times of India


There is no denying that in addition to
battling body shaming and unsolicited comments that people make, being overweight also comes with a host of medical health conditions. While 36-year-old Rahul did not bother to change his lifestyle even after developing hypertension and sleep apnea due to his growing weight, one accident changed his life. Read his
weight loss journey to gain all the inspiration you need to get back in shape!

Name: Rahul Ditta

Occupation: Sr. Manager, Banking Industry

Age: 36 years

Height: 6 feet 1 inch

City: New Delhi

Highest weight recorded: 128 kilos

Weight lost: 45 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 10 months

The turning point: I used to believe in the saying ‘living life king size’, so I did not think twice before eating what I felt like and enjoying the hard drinks of my choice. Slowly, these careless lifestyle habits of mine started damaging my body and I developed several medical conditions including high blood pressure, gout and sleep apnea but I did not do anything about the same. However, one day I dozed off behind the steering wheel due to sleep apnea and rammed into a two-wheeler in front of me. That was the day I realised that my weight and medical issues that have cropped up because of the same is literally risking my life. I took a life-changing decision to get back in shape that very day and look where I have reached!

My breakfast: I choose from quinoa, daliya, poha with two fried eggs, boiled chicken and cornflakes topped with fresh, seasonal fruits

My lunch: I choose from quinoa, daliya, poha with curd, a portion of vegetable or pulses and boiled minced chicken breast. I make it a point to have a cup of green tea an hour after my lunch

My dinner: Tofu with two slices of brown bread or steamed fish and boiled chicken

Pre-workout meal: A cup of black coffee without sugar, one banana, two boiled egg white and peanut butter

Post-workout meal: 5 boiled egg white with skimmed milk

I indulge in:
I love brown rice chicken biryani, paneer tikka (cottage cheese), fish curry and kebabs. However, I keep my cheat meals very limited and make it a point to work out religiously after the same.

My workout: My workout routine includes a healthy mix of cardio, weight training with circuit program and drop sets. I used to reserve two days a week for cardio training like burpees, battle ropes, flipping a 70 kg tyre, leg raises, planks, side twisting, deadlifts, and squats with weights. I used to work out for 6 days week for roughly 2 hours.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Boiled chicken, tofu, steamed fish, citrus fruit juice (sugar-free) and a bowl of green leafy salad.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: If you want to lose weight, you need to build a good diet plan as per the need of your body. Once it is done, half the battle is already won. You also need to check your intake and the calories you are burning as well.

How do I stay motivated? In order to stay motivated, I visualized how I would look after losing all the extra kilos! I used to set short weight reduction targets and used to work on achieving them. I wanted to heal myself without any medication. My coach Vipin Choudhary really helped me in materialising my dream.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? When you are on a quest to lose weight, the mere thought of shutting down the people who made fun of you is enough to keep you focused. So, come rain or shine, I never missed my workout session. Remember, the journey may be painful but the results are sweet!

What’s the most difficult part of being overweight? Being overweight in today’s incredibly high-pressure world is like a time bomb ticking in your body. It creates a web of negativity and several health conditions. Additionally, you have to battle a lot of unsolicited comments and body shaming, as you don’t really fit anywhere in a lot of social circles.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I just want to stay in a good shape and be physically and mentally fit. I know there is still a long way to go for the same but I want to be an example for others fighting the same battle. In fact, I am also interested in taking my passion for fitness professionally.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? I have made a lot of lifestyle changes in my journey, some of these include completely banning sugar and sugar-laden products, carrying healthy snacks like fruits and nuts to curb my cravings and put a pause on hard drinks. As a result, my blood pressure is in control from the last 7 months and I no longer need to take medications for the same.

What was the lowest point for you? While there are a lot of factors which impact your well-being and overall health when you are overweight, I cannot forget the day when I had met with an accident due to sleep apnea. It was ultimately because of all the extra kilos I had piled on.

Lessons learnt from weight loss: You just have one life, you can either make use of it and take care of yourself and your physique or throw it away.

If you too have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at [email protected]

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